Independent assessment of preparations to establish and undertake the role of MHHS Programme Manager
Assessment of the effectiveness of Elexon’s preparations for establishing and undertaking the programme management role for the Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme
Future Networks – Flexibility Platforms
This is the second paper in a series exploring the evolution of regional flexibility markets and how they can support the development of an efficient, low carbon energy system. The paper focuses on how the future roles of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) may evolve if flexibility exchange platforms become widespread
Future Networks – Setting The Scene
This is the first paper in a series exploring the evolution of regional flexibility markets and how they can support the development of an efficient, low carbon energy system. Entitled “Future Networks”, the series is being jointly prepared by Cornwall Insight, Complete Strategy and Shakespeare Martineau.
Future Networks – RIIO ED2
This is the third research paper in a series exploring the evolution of regional flexibility markets and how they can support the development of an efficient, low carbon energy system. Entitled “Future Networks”, the series is being jointly prepared by Cornwall Insight, Complete Strategy and Shakespeare Martineau. This paper has been led by Complete Strategy.
Consumer Research into Rapid-Charging
Working in partnership with PwC, we were commissioned by National Grid to explore the impact of range anxiety on the uptake of electric vehicles.